"I've worked with Brian to develop a simple repeatable weekly strategy over the last year and I finished # 1 in the company in yearly growth. The best part is I'm putting the same time into my business as I was before."
"For quite a while, I was unaware of the common trait amongst each of the top people in our firm other than they were consistently and dramatically, outperforming the rest of us. What I learned is they all work with Brian."
"After 7 years I thought my territory was maxed out until I started working with Brian… and then we doubled it in just 2 years with a strategy to focus on less."
"My business has a lot of moving parts and a never ending to-do list. Using the simple weekly strategy I created with Brian not only provides clarity and peace of mind, but is responsible for much of the sales that come through the door."
Listen to My Recent Interview with the True King of Sales - Jeffrey Gitomer